The points system is so simple that it's ingenious.
When a student plays at Festival, they are graded as to how well they knew their music. If they receive a Superior, they earn 5 points. Excellent earns 4 points. Very Good earns 3 points. Satisfactory earns 2 points. Needs Improvement earns 1 point.
When a student has a total of 15 points (or more), the student earns their first (and smallest) trophy. The 2nd 15 points earns the 2nd (and larger trophy). 45 points = 3rd trophy. 60 points = 4th trophy.
The beauty of the system is that if a student earns an Excellent, and gets 4 points, it would take him 4 years to receive a trophy instead of 3-- but it is still do-able!! Many students have had to take that extra year-- but it makes the trophy even more desirable! And thus they have taken piano (or other instrument) for yet another year!!
Students can work simultaneously for several trophies. In piano particularly, a student can participate in Ensemble Festival (Duets, Trios, Quartets, etc.), Solo Piano Festival, and Hymn Festival. This would eventually result in 3 trophies! (plus certificates 'suitable for framing'!!) .
This is just general information -any specific questions about points should be directed to the Chairman.